Love It Guarantee

Love It Guarantee


West Paw is Proud to Guarantee all products

West Paw and 2dogs 3cats offer even more ways to keep your customers—and their dogs—happy. West Paw guarantees every product they manufacture in Montana, USA – that’s all of them. If your customers are unhappy with the performance of a West Paw product, we'll credit or replace your purchase. It really is that simple, easy, and hassle-free.

“ Because we make everything ourselves in our own Bozeman, Montana-based facility in the USA, we have complete control over every step of our manufacturing process. This means we are 100% confident in the durability and safety of everything we make. So, it's only natural that West Paw now guarantees every single one of our products. ”

— Spencer Williams, Owner and CEO of West Paw


Fine Print:

  • West Paw and 2dogs 3cats reserve the right to issue a credit, replacement, or an alternative product based on each individual situation.
  • One-time credit or replacement per merchant per toy design (not per purchase).
  • Valid consumer sales receipt required for credits.
  • Replacement items will ship together with the next purchase order.
  • Hong Kong Resellers: Please contact 2dogs 3cats ( for credit or replacement request.